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The singer’s voice was gorgeous. I’ve played the piano for a long time and can recognize talent when I hear it.
“We were not home for the Singing Valentine and I’m glad because now I can listen to it whenever I want and share it with my kids and friends.”
That’s only one of many reactions to the Singing Valentines fundraising campaign. Considering the sheer number of valentines who were happy and surprised to get these special messages, it is safe to say that the event was a great success.
“I found it very cute and touching,” another recipient says. “It’s different. I love the concept.”
Another satisfied donor: “I offered a singing valentine to my husband and it was the best Valentine’s Day gift of all time. Excellent idea!”
For the occasion of Valentine’s Day, perhaps you were searching for a new way to show someone you cherish that you really care.
While you were busy looking for a gift, La Scena Musicale was organizing its famous Singing Valentines, which are live melodies delivered over the telephone. Six artists kindly donated their time and energy for the benefit of this eighth edition.
I had the privilege this year to oversee the campaign personally. The reactions sometimes made me a smile, sometimes stimulated a more emotional reaction. How better to demonstrate to someone that we’re thinking of them than by a song sung live? It’s always a breathtaking surprise for the recipient.
This year, we received a special request: a Singing Valentine delivered in person. A donor wished to offer a melody to her mother, who is living with Alzheimer’s disease in a centre for the elderly situated outside of Montreal. Chantal Dionne accepted the assignment. The video we received following her performance was very moving.
La Scena Musicale’s team wants to thank the generous donors and the artists Chantal Dionne, Raphaëlle Paquette, Marie-Claire Fafard-Blais, Wah Keung Chan, Simon Fournier and Marie-Annick Béliveau. All contributed to making this event a success.
From now on, we will take orders anytime for serenades over the phone. Is there a birthday or anniversary on the horizon? Mother’s Day is coming. To take advantage of this unique service, send an email to [email protected] or call 514-948-2520, ex. 3.
Update 2019: The 2019 Singing Valentines (9th edition) is now open for orders featuring celebrity singer Gino Quilico, as well as Chantal Dionne, Marie-Claire Fafard-Blais, Marie-Annick Béliveau, Dino Spaziani, Adrian Rodriguez and Wah Keung Chan. See the list of songs.
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