In a faraway city named Cérulée, a 200-year-old power-hungry vampire has been unleashed and the inhabitants must quickly find a way to neutralize her powers…
For the 11th consecutive year, La Scena Musicale offered its Singing Valentines last February. The principle of the campaign is simple: for a donation, a…
Last Sunday, La Scena Musicale and CORONA Serenades celebrated Father’s Day with a special virtual broadcast through Facebook Live and YouTube Live. Unfortunately, due to…
CORONA Serenades by La Scena Musicale La Scena Musicale is proud release CORONA Serenades Concert Week 1, a 30-minute compilation of the best performances after…
CORONA Serenades by La Scena Musicale La Scena Musicale is proud to launch CORONA Serenades, a new global music service bringing cheer to those coping…
History has taught us that every generational talent in the music business has had one common feature: they possess idiosyncrasies that set them apart from…