Rencontre avec Theodore Baerg – Événement remis

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Pour des raisons de santé publique en Ontario, l’événement est remis à l’automne 2021, à une date non déterminée.

The International Resource Centre for Performing Artists (IRCPA) is holding a one day Encounter with Theodore Baerg, one of Canada’s leading baritones. With Andrea Grant at the piano, he will mentor 10 singers, offering suggestions to each on artistic skills, and provide valuable career information and guidance, stressing the need for professionalism and striving for excellence.

SIGN-UP FORM & DEADLINE: Sign-up forms are available from, and will be accepted until Sunday, May 9.  The IRCPA’s vocal advisory group will announce the 10 selected singers on May 15 for the May 21 Encounter.

There are no fees to sign up or take part. Scholarships will be assigned honouring Canadians past or present, provided through the generosity of private donors.

The event will take place in downtown Toronto.  Open to the participants only.

The artists will perform operatic arias and art songs with pianist Andrea Grant, in the public concert Ten Singing Stars – New Generation, to be presented by the IRCPA in June.

Artistes de l'évènement

Theodore Baerg, baryton, mentor; Andrea Grant, piano; 10 chanteurs choisis

Rencontre avec Theodore Baerg – Événement remis


vendredi, 21 mai 2021
10:00 - 17:00


Downtown Toronto
100 Queen St W,
Toronto, ON
Canada, M5H 2N2


Free / Gratuit

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      This page is also available in / Cette page est également disponible en: English (Anglais)


      A propos de l'auteur

      Freelance music and arts publicist.

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