Nahre Sol, Victoria Sparks, and The MCO


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Pianist-composer NahNahre Sol is among the most interesting artists making music online today. The Juilliard-trained, California-based musician has one of YouTube’s top classical music channels, entertaining an online audience of over 400K subscribers and millions of casual viewers with educational and performance videos. To watch one of her videos is almost inevitably to go down a YouTube rabbit-hole, at the other end of which you find yourself an hour later buzzing happily. It’s hard to stop with just one of Nahre’s videos.

We’re also having back the brilliant percussionist Victoria Sparks for an in-person performance of Alexina Louie’s percussion concerto Waking the Lion. Premiered at our online 2021 Spring and Summer Festival, the piece lives up to the JUNO-winning composer’s reputation as “one of Canada’s most highly regarded and most often performed composers” (Canadian Music Centre). This is the second percussion concerto we’ve commissioned for the highly celebrated Sparks, and we feel this one is too good not to be experienced again by a live, in-person audience.

Artistes de l'évènement

Anne Manson, conductor. Nahre Sol, piano. Victoria Sparks, percussion. Lizzy Hoyt, mezzo-soprano

Nahre Sol, Victoria Sparks, and The MCO


jeudi, 5 mai 2022 - vendredi, 6 mai 2022
19:30 - 21:00


Westminster Church
745 Westminster Ave



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    • Woodwinds
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