Daily News Roundup: 28 June 2016

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+ Alan Fletcher, the CEO of the Aspen music festival in Colorado, asks why great American symphonists are neglected by American orchestras.

+ From the Archive: Jon Vickers interview from 15 March 1985 in The Guardian.

“The foundation on which I stand as an artist is that all art must appeal to the intellect. Then we’re making a contribution to civilisation, to the uplifting of man. But if we chose to indulge ourselves and chase dollars and fame at the expense of artistic integrity, if we smear the line between entertainment and art, we’re in trouble.

“And the operatic world is in trouble because it’s being invaded by big PR, the personality cult, techniques that create hysteria but do nothing to elevate people.”

+ James Wright reflects on his 17-year tenure as the director of Vancouver Opera before his retirement on June 30.

+ Check out this interview with the legendary Chick Corea in advance of his appearance at the Montreal International Jazz Festival.


About Author

Kiersten van Vliet was the Web Editor and an Editorial Assistant for La Scena Musicale from 2015–17.

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