Kindred Spirits Orchestra Season opening with “Symphonie fantastique” by Berlioz

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Symphonie fantastique by Hector Berlioz

Saturday, October 24, 2015 at 8:00 P.M.
Flato Markham Theatre for the Performing Arts  Join Maestro Kristian Alexander while he leads the Kindred Spirits Orchestra in celebrating the first concert of the season. César Frank’s dark and haunting Le Chasseur Maudit paints the portrait of an accursed huntsman condemned to be pursued by demons for an eternity. Teenage sensation Anson Hui rises to the challenge of performing Beethoven’s vigorous Concerto for Piano No. 1.  Symphonie Fantastique by Berlioz, a truly programmatic work, dramatically tells the story of love, passion, despair, hallucination and death.

Kristian Alexander | conductor
Anson Hui | pianist
Alexa Petrenko | host (Classical 96.3 FM radio)

7:00 p.m.   Silent auction begins in the foyer of Markham Theatre and closes at 9:30 pm
7:15 p.m.   Prélude (pre-concert recital)
7:30 p.m.   Pre-concert talk  

                   Intermission discussion with Alexa Petrenko and Anson Hui
                   Post-concert live jazz with complimentary glass of Champagne

To book your tickets, call the Box Office at 905.305.7469 or visit

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