Marc Djokic – Prix Goyer

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by Ian Cochrane
Marc began his musical training under the tutelage of a parent — his father Philippe. Djokic senior gave violin lessons in the family’s Halifax home. At the time Marc took up the violin, it had not been his ­intention to pursue a career in music. However, as he humbly muses, “Once a person experiences success, they tend to stick with it.”
arc Djokic, in his early thirties, is already an eminent violin soloist. The latest feather in his cap is his winning the 2017 Prix Goyer, the most prestigious award for classical music in Canada. The Prix Goyer was created to honour the late Jean-Pierre Goyer, who served as chairman of the Conseil des arts de Montréal as well as Montreal’s Orchestre Métropolitain.

Marc considers himself fortunate to possess three distinct violins: a 1927 Becker, a 1922 ­Fagnola, and a rare 1740 Guarnerius. When deciding which violin to use, he takes into consideration both the repertoire and the acoustics of the performance hall.

Marc has ­performed as soloist with many eminent Canadian ­ensembles, including the Tor­onto Symphony ­Orchestra, the Quebec Symphony Orchestra and The National Arts Centre ­Orchestra.

Marc has been featured in over 45 Noncerto videos. A Noncerto pushes the limits of classical music. He is particularly proud of ­Noncerto Notre-Dame-de-Grace (�watch?v=�oeON�3�eorcT8). Other Noncerto videos, recorded in diverse Canadian ­locations, may be viewed on the Marc Djokic | Canadian violinist YouTube channel.

Together with his wife Avery Zhao, Marc co-founded Art Crush in 2013. This troupe incorporates visual arts, instrumental music and dance in all its performances. The Art Crush show being presented in conjunction with Ensemble Caprice, slated for January 21, 2018 at Salle Bourgie, promises to be a spectacular evening.

Marc relishes the imminent release of his first solo CD, which is comprised wholly of Canadian compositions. Other highlights on the horizon include performances with the Symphony Orchestras of PEI and Sudbury and the Kindred Spirits Symphony.

Teaching and coaching are pursuits for which Marc has developed a fondness. He has recently accepted a position at CAMMAC. He writes: “My role as their first-ever Artist in Residence means a great deal to me, as it combines education, research, and performance all in one position.”

The proceeds of the Prix Goyer will mainly be used to further Marc’s solo career. He attributes his meteoric rise as a musician to his ­willingness to explore and learn from the diverse opportunities that have come his way.


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