Browsing: Vancouver

Vancouver articles, news, reviews

QUEBEC Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec Tribute to Rosa Luxemburg, ongoing This narrative sequence of 30 tableaux forms a triptych more than 40 metres long. On display here in a glass case with subtle lighting, Jean Paul Riopelle’s largest work was acquired by the museum in 1996 and has been seen by more than 1.3 million people since that date. Riopelle began work on this immense composition in his studio on Île-aux-Oies in November 1992, after having learned of the death in Paris of his former companion, the American painter Joan Mitchell (1926-1992). Tribute to Rosa Luxemburg is a…


Newfoundland Camber Arts Woody Point, Corner Brook, May 1 to September 30 Nickel Independent Film Festival St. John’s, June 12 to 18 Canada’s Big Birthday Bash St. John’s, June 30 to July 1 Newfoundland and Labrador Folk Festival St. John’s, July 7 to 9 Shakespeare by the Sea Festival St. John’s, July 7 to August 20 Salmon Festival Grand Falls-Windsor, July 13 to 17 Stephenville Theatre Festival Stephenville, July 14 to August 13 Annual Southern Shore Shamrock Festival Ferryland, July 22 to 23 George Street Festival St. John’s, July 27 to August…
