Daily News Roundup : 6 February

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-Julie Boulianne was named Performer of the year and Charles Richard-Hamelin was declared Artist with the most influence abroad on the 20e edition of the Opus du Conseil Québécois de la musique. http://www.ledevoir.com/culture/musique/490954/prix-opus-julie-boulianne-interprete-de-l-annee

-The Armenian pianist Nareh Arghamanyan come back in Montreal nine years after she became popular with the Concours musical – In an interview with Le Devoir. http://www.ledevoir.com/culture/musique/490745/classique-nareh-arghamanyan-entre-melancolie-et-pyrotechnie

-The closing of the HMV compagnie would entrain increase of the jazz repress album prices. http://www.ledevoir.com/culture/musique/490746/turbulences-en-vue-pour-le-jazz

-The Montreal Symphony Orchestra won many prizes this weekend in the 20e edition of the Gala des prix du Conseil Québécois.

Capture d’écran 2017-02-05 à 21.33.26


-The Autrichian’s violoncellist of 25 Kian Soltani was named laureate for the Prize Leonard Bernstein- http://www.resmusica.com/2017/02/05/kian-soltani-laureat-du-prix-leonard-bernstein/

-Otto Tausk named chief of the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra http://www.resmusica.com/2017/02/06/otto-tausk-nouveau-directeur-musical-du-vancouver-symphony-orchestra/ –  http://vancouversun.com/entertainment/local-arts/vancouver-symphony-orchestra-taps-dutch-conductor-otto-tausk-as-next-music-director

-The pianist Walter Hautzig died at the age of 95. The New York Times reconstructs the musician’s life and his heroic story during the Second War. – https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/04/arts/music/walter-hautzig-dead-flee-nazis.html?rref=collection%2Fspotlightcollection%2Fclassical-music-reviews

-Air Canada refused to fly Kremer’s cellos : http://slippedisc.com/2017/02/air-canada-refuse-to-fly-kremers-cellos/

-Gervase de Peyer British clarinettist, conductor, and founding member of the Melos Ensemble died at the age of 90. http://www.rhinegold.co.uk/classical_music/gervase-de-peyer-11-april-1926-4-february-2017/  – http://slippedisc.com/2017/02/sadness-a-clarinet-legend-has-died/



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