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Marie-Claire Blais’s Un cœur habité de mille voix (A Heart Filled with a Thousand Voices) explores the milestones in the homosexual rights struggle, from Stonewall to the present day. Kevin Lambert, who was deeply influenced by the author’s work, adapts the last novel to be published in Blais’s lifetime. With an extraordinary cast, directed by Stéphanie Jasmin and Denis Marleau. Espace Go, April 2-28. www.espacego.com
The 11 performers of Rhodnie Désir dance Symphonie de cœurs, accompanied by the 60 musicians of the Orchestre Métropolitain, conducted by Canadian conductor Naomi Woo. An exceptional event. Wilfrid-Pelletier, April 4-6. www.dansedanse.ca
Les Autochtoneries festival sets up base on Chabot Street to showcase First Nations theatrical art. The festival combines Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal artists, with a strong emphasis on humour. On the bill: a creation, remounts, a reading, discussions, a performance by painter Jacques Newashish, good Labrador tea every evening, and other surprises. Aux Écuries, April 11-21. www.auxecuries.com
The Festival de la Rencontre Théâtre Ados is Canada’s largest showcase of new theatre and dance works for teenagers aged 12 to 17. Mental health is at the heart of several of this year’s productions. The festival will host eight daytime shows for school audiences, as well as four evening “Sors ton ado” performances for the general public. Festivalgoers will be treated to the world première of One 1ife by Théâtre Tombé du ciel, as well as Batailles (DynamO Théâtre), Merci d’être venus (Le Complexe), On/Off (Grand Poney), Plastique (Théâtre du Portage), Tsunami (Théâtre de l’Escaouette), Rose (Théâtre Bluff) and Dessiner dans les marges (Nuages en pantalon). In addition to the official program, three creation workshops will introduce young people to the artists’ creative process. Please note that shows are affordable, as a ticket purchased at the regular price entitles the holder to a second ticket at half price. Maison des Arts de Laval, April 14-27. www.rtados.qc.ca
Le Patin Libre is a Montreal-based contemporary skating company founded in 2005 by a group of former top-level figure skaters. In Murmuration, 15 skaters take their inspiration from flocks of birds and exploit the prodigious scenic and choreographic possibilities of the glide. Mount Royal Arena, April 16-21. www.dansedanse.ca
After a sold-out run last year at the Centre du Théâtre d’Aujourd’hui, writer and columnist Camille Paré-Poirier is back with Je viendrai moins souvent as part of Duceppe’s En rappel series. The story of her relationship with her grandmother, who is moving to a CHSLD at the same time as she is moving to an apartment, is touching. Cinquième Salle, April 23-27. www.duceppe.com
Mademoiselle Agnès, a contemporary, feminine twist on Molière’s The Misanthrope, is a must-see. Sylvie Drapeau, the cast and the adaptation are all well worth the detour. Rideau Vert, May 1-June 1. www.rideauvert.qc.ca
In this era of post-me-too backlash and persistent inequity, Lorraine Pintal is staging the much-anticipated Lysis, a creation by Fanny Britt and Alexia Bürger inspired by the women’s strike of Lysistrata. Seventeen performers from all walks of life will give this production its full scope. Three musicians will perform composer Philippe Brault’s original score on stage, helping to ensure the show’s epic dimension. TNM, May 7-June 1. www.tnm.qc.ca
Here, as in Amazonian Colombia, the turtle is a sacred figure, connected to the cycle of the moon and of life. Émilie Monnet and Waira Nina have been exchanging and collaborating for 12 years, from North and South, and NIGAMON/TUNAI is the poetic and theatrical manifesto that unites them. With music by Frannie Holder. Espace Go, May 14-30. www.espacego.com www.fta.ca
In Carte noire nommée désir, Martinique-born author and director Rébecca Chaillon shakes up erotic fantasies and clichés with fierce pleasure. May 23-26. www.fta.ca
For Au cœur de la rose (Généalogie d’une tristesse), director Jérémie Niel takes on a play by essayist and poet Pierre Perrault, known as the inventor of direct cinema. This poetic drama sees the tranquility of a family disrupted by the arrival of two sailors, who represent all kinds of possibilities for the young girl. But her father disagrees. With video and sound landscapes and six performers. Promising. Espace Libre, May 25-29. www.fta.ca

Safia Nolin enters the arena to perform Surveillée et punie, a completely musical show. Photo: Kelly Jacob
The first foreign artist to direct the Avignon Festival, Tiago Rodrigues arrives with Catarina et la beauté de tuer des fascistes, a highly political drama about a family that slaughters a fascist every year, in memory of a farm worker murdered under the Salazar dictatorship. In Portuguese with French and English surtitles. Duceppe, May 26-28. www.fta.ca
Performers, authors and poets Gurshad Shaheman and Dany Boudreault sign their first collaboration with Sur tes traces, on the borders of autofiction, one who always listens to the other. May 30-June 1. www.fta.ca
With Surveillée et punie, Safia Nolin and Philippe Cyr take the insults that have been poured at the singer and turn them into an entirely musical creation, transcending hatred. Prospero, May 31-June 1. www.fta.ca
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