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Keri-Lynn Wilson:
Congratulations to the marvellous La Scena Musicale for the last twenty years of your extraordinary publication. The musical world is extremely enriched by your passionate reporting on arts in Quebec.
Thank you for being an indispensable resource for sharing the musical experience outside of the symphony hall, the opera stage, or the jazz club and for inspiring a new public to participate in current events.
With La Scena Musicale, the arts have a future! Bravo!
Stéphane Tétreault:
It is with great pleasure and pride that I support La Scena Musicale. For two decades, La Scena Musicale provides invaluable support to Canadian musicians. In addition to this remarkable job, the magazine has become must-read for all music lovers in Montreal, Quebec, and across the country. I think I speak for everyone when I say we are extremely grateful. Without La Scena Musicale, the lives of musicians in Canada would not be the same!
Thank you for everything you do for the music community.
Denis Gougeon:
To support La Scena Musicale is to give a voice to the great musical activity in Quebec. Happy twentieth anniversary!
Suzie LeBlanc:
I began reading La Scena Musicale mainly for its useful calendar of events. The magazine has since developed a full spectrum of reviews and features about Canada’s art scene which I really enjoy, and I can still see what my colleagues are doing and what wonderful concerts I’m missing when I’m away on tour.
Louis-Philippe Marsolais:
While the place of music, and the arts in general, in our society continues to pose challenges for all who are involved, La Scena Musicale maintains its work of the democratization and promotion of music so that it will retain its place in our culture. Long live La Scena, long live music!!!
Yannick Nézet-Séguin:
I support La Scena Musicale because, like the Orchestre Métropolitain, its mission is to bring classical music to the public in a democratic way, which is essential and indispensable to its survival.”
Walter Boudreau:
La Scena Musicale is one of the few magazines to make room for local contemporary music and composers. This publication contributes to the vitality of new music, and as the artistic director of the Société de musique contemporaine du Québec (SMCQ), it goes without saying that I support La Scena Musicale with all my heart and wish it a long life!
Ana Sokolovic:
With La Scena Musicale, we can confirm that classical music is alive and well and reaches music lovers of all ages.
Mathieu Lussier:
La Scena Musicale is an essential part of our musical ecology, first and foremost as a mirror of the quality of our achievements. Each month, if we fail to attend several concerts or listen to new record releases, we can flip happily through calendars and reviews that will keep us informed of our fellow musicians. It is always with pride in our community that I read La Scena.
This page is also available in / Cette page est également disponible en:
Francais (French)