Henry From (piano) – Shean Competition

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Winner of the 2024 Shean Piano Competition, Henry From is a budding pianist and composer with a passion for music’s power to move, whether that be emotionally or intellectually. “I love music’s ability to convey emotions and feelings that are hard to put into words,” he says, “and I love the way it gives us a portal into past periods and the extremely complex minds of great geniuses of the past.” From also says that he hopes to “help bring works outside the standard repertoire canon” into the spotlight, allowing listeners to access composers whose works have hitherto been neglected.

From currently studies at The Glenn Gould School of The Royal Conservatory of Music and cites his teacher, John O’Conor, as a prime motivator in his continued musical journey. In the past, From has attended the Verbier Festival Soloists Academy, a program offered in the heart of the Swiss Alps. He looks back on his experiences at the academy fondly, recalling the beauty of the physical environment and the joy at hearing many of his musical idols perform. Unique opportunities such as these are what shapes an artist’s identity in an experience From cites as “life-changing.”

This summer, From spent time in California at Music Academy of the West’s solo piano program. Last winter, he was a participant in the Sir Elton John Global Exchange Program, spending a week immersed in activities at the Royal Academy of Music in London, England. As the young pianist continues to hone his craft, From stays grounded by maintaining interests outside of music, “learning languages, studying math, and spending time in nature.”


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