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Francais (French)
Grant Deadlines:
Canada Council www.canadacouncil.ca
- Digital Generator and Digital Greenhouse
deadline: any time before the start of your project - Professional Development for Arts Professionals, deadline: Oct. 13
- Sector Innovation and Development – Project Grants
deadline: Nov. 10 - Media Arts Equipment Acquisition Fund
deadline: Nov. 17
Conseil des Arts de Montréal www.artsmontreal.org
- Des Ponts Culturels, d’Une Rive à l’Autre,deadline: Oct. 28
- Nouvelle Garde,deadline: Nov. 7
Conseil des Arts et des Lettres du Québec www.calq.gouv.qc.ca
- Call for projects in partnership with Télé-Québec, deadline: Nov. 25
Prix Juno 2022 www.junosubmissions.ca
- deadline: 5
COVID-19 Updates
by the Conseil québécois de la musique
At full capacity!
As of Oct. 8, restrictions to limit the number of spectators admitted to venues will be lifted and concert halls will be able to operate at full capacity. However, spectators must wear a mask at all times, including during the concert.
The limit on how many spectators can use the same entrance or a service area has been lifted, but a distance of one metre in halls and queues must be respected and crowds should always be avoided.
These measures also apply to cabaret room configurations (with tables) if chairs are placed side by side as in an Italian configuration. However, if alcohol or food is served on site, cabaret rooms must comply with the measures in force for bars and restaurants, which remain unchanged.
Measures addressing outdoor shows where spectators are standing remain unchanged.
Support measures
Following the ministerial announcement about the relaxation of measures for performance venues, the CALQ has decided to remove temporarily the Données de diffusion form to make the adjustments necessary to manage the program from now until Nov. 14 and the upcoming transitional measures. The new form will be available shortly, stay tuned!
On stage
Measures to be observed by musicians on stage remain unchanged.
This page is also available in / Cette page est également disponible en:
Francais (French)