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From 7 AM, la Journée Arts sans frontières will celebrate Domaine Forget de Charlevoix’s 40th anniversary. The program includes: music, theatre, dance, visual arts and cultural animation. The events during this festive day are sure to please audiences from 0 to 101 years old, they will take place indoors and outdoors on the site.
Event Artists
7 AM – FREE ADMISSION – St. Irénée Wharf (Jetée des Capelans) Concert, coffee and brioches 8 AM – FREE ADMISSION - St. Irénée Wharf (Jetée des Capelans) Yoga 10 AM – FREE ADMISSION – Walkabout Domaine Forget Guided historical tour of the property 11 AM – FREE ADMISSION – Concert hall Family concert A brief history of the world’s grandest music Alma Amoyel-Bertrand, actress, violin Emmanuelle Bertrand, cello Pascal Amoyel, piano Noon – Outdoors on the property Music and lunch Bring your picnic! 1:30 PM – FREE ADMISSION – Concert hall The day I met Franz Liszt Pascal Amoyel, creator and performer Staging: Christian Fromont 3 PM - FREE ADMISSION - Stable (Écurie) plateau (outdoors) Dance with Otra Orilla 4 PM - $30 – Concert hall France – Domaine Forget: a 40 year friendship Régis Pasquier, Annick Roussin, violins Marina Thibeault, Dimitri Murrath, violas Emmanuelle Bertrand, Philippe Muller, cellos Pascal Amoyel, piano Narrator: Françoise Davoine 6 PM – Joseph-Rouleau Pavilion Dinner and music ($) 8 PM - $52 – Concert hall Jazz with Spyro GyraJournée Arts sans frontières
Saturday, July 28, 2018
12:00 am
Salle de concert
5, rang Saint-Antoine
Saint-Irénée, Québec
Canada, G0T 1V0
418 452-3535
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noneThis page is also available in / Cette page est également disponible en:
Francais (French)