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The Chorus Duets are long letters exchanged between poets and audio artists from different parts of Canada, scattered from the East to the West Coast. Some write and create in French, others in English. They are from Sudbury, Montreal, Vancouver, Halifax, but also from L’Anse-St-Jean and Abitibi. It is a principle of encounter that was the driving force behind this project. Chloé LaDuchesse and Emilio Portal met in Sudbury, and a new exchange was created between Chloé LaDuchesse’s Franco-Ontarian poetry and Emilio Portal’s audio universe. An interdisciplinary encounter between poetry and sound art, an encounter that takes the time to listen to each other, to read each other, to get to know each other. This is how an epistolary relationship was established between artists who did not know each other before, a creation being built over the course of the exchanges—always at a distance—until they finally meet… on stage.
Event Artists
Chloé LaDuchesse: poetry, Emilio Portal: mixed transdisciplinary artist accompanied by Kaie Kellough: text and voice, Oana Avasilichioaei : musique, Marie-Andrée Gill: poem and reading, Marie-Hélène Massy-Edmon and Jean-Philippe Rioux-BlanchetteAlliance Française de Toronto: The Chorus Duets
Tuesday, May 7, 2024
8:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Spadina Theatre
24, Spadina
Toronto, ON
Canada, M5R 2S7
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noneThis page is also available in / Cette page est également disponible en:
Francais (French)