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Although concert performers generally break over summer, the coming weeks are fully booked for La Nef. The organization specializing in early, ancient and traditional music will cross the country, from Gaspésie to Vancouver Island, to present La traverse miraculeuse, Baratin d’marins, Sea Shanties, and more.
Combing through a vast repertoire of traditional and folk songs from here and abroad, La Nef invites the public on a fascinating musical odyssey this summer, crossing the ages and genres with exceptional musicians who will be joined by, notably, the well-known vocal quartet 4 Charbonniers.
Les Seigneuriales of Vaudreuil-Dorion
Held within the historical universe of New France, La Nef will take part in the Les Seigneuriales de Vaudreuil-Dorion festival to present La traverse miraculeuse on June 11. This one-of-a-kind musical show explores early and traditional music through a repertoire of songs selected by the legendary vocal ensemble Les Charbonniers de l’enfer. Reunited under the 4 Charbonniers, Michel Bordeleau, André Marchand, Michel Faubert and Normand Miron will participate, as well as the interpreters of La Nef under the direction of Seán Dagher.
Festival en chanson de Petite-Vallée
The troupe will then set sail for Gaspésie for four concerts presented at the Festival en chanson de Petite-Vallée on July 8 and 9. On the first day, the 4 Charbonniers will take part in a grand musical encounter on the theme of Quebec folk music. The instrumentalists of La Nef and their director Seán Dagher will then take the stage for Baratin d’marins, a festive concert inviting the public to roam the seven seas to the sound of shanties from England, Scotland, Ireland, the Americas, the Caribbean, and France.
The next day, charbonnier Michel Faubert will set hearts and spirits aglow at Le chant du silence. Delving into a songbook bursting with pearls from Quebec and Acadia, the storyteller-singer paints the tribulations of early church life in music, dotting his story with memories, confidences, and sweet words. The troupe will then reunite for a second presentation of La traverse miraculeuse.
Festival Splash Around Town
Victoria B.C.’s big summer party, Splash Around Town, will be visited by La Nef on July 31 in a concert called Sea Shanties. The English counterpart of Baratin d’marins, Sea Shanties has four instrumentalists, three solo singers, and a choir specially formed for the occasion to interpret sea songs and lamentations evoking voyages, adventure, and life on the sea far from kith and kin. These spellbinding arrangements by Seán Dagher appear on the album Shanties! Live (2022), recently released by Leaf Music.
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Francais (French)